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Living conditions for the displaced families in this school are very crowded. Nevertheless, the buildings provide shelter, there is access to water, and people feel much safer than in the rural areas where sporadic fighting is said

Addis Abeba, February 08/2021 - Through a joint-statement by High-Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell, Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen and Commissioner Janez Lenarčič , issued today, the EU said it "joins the United States’ call for the withdrawal of Eritrean troops from Ethiopia, which are fueling the conflict

Women and children constitute the prime victims of the ongoing armed conflict in Tigray. Refugees from Tigray arriving in Sudan. Picture: UNFPA Addis Abeba, January 22/2020 - In a statement released on January 21, Pramila Patten, United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General