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Addis Abeba, November 06/2020 - Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has confirmed that the Ethiopian Air Force has conducted airstrikes yesterday targeting various places where rocket launchers and other heavy weaponry were found in Tigray during the military engagement between federal and Tigray region forces

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell/ Pictures: EU Statement by the High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell on the latest developments Addis Abeba, November 02/2020 - Developments in Ethiopia are a cause of deep concern. All parties as well as

Secondary displacement site near Yirgacheffe, Gedeo Zone, the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ (SNNP) Region, Ethiopia. (Photo by Refugees International -2018 archive) Addis Abeba, October 22/2020 - A report compiled after a recent inter-agency mission from 7 to 11 October 2020 to Guji zone in Oromia