HomeWorld NewsU.S (Page 44)


“One of Mr. Lichtman’s “Keys to the White House” is the charisma of both the incumbent and challenging party’s candidate.  Mr. Trump has changed and defied the rules of conventional Presidential politics but remains disliked by many.  Mrs. Clinton, never charismatic, is also disliked.  Perhaps Mr. Licthman could add another key to his winning formula: who is disliked the least”, From our correspondent Tomas Mega in Las Vegas, Nevada 

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Assistant Administrator for the Bureau of Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, R. David Harden, is visiting Ethiopia As of yesterday, the US Embassy said in a statement. Harden’s visit, which will last until Oct. 23, comes amidst growing intensive crackdown on dissident in Ethiopia following the declaration of State of Emergency for six months.