HomeWorld NewsU.S (Page 52)


Tarikua Getachew, for Addis Standard (@tarikawipeace)
No other visit to anywhere from sitting presidents, US or otherwise, has caused as much of a stir as Obama’s upcoming visit to Africa. From human rights organisations to individual letters his third visit to Africa, and in particular his Addis Ababa, stop has received both praise and vilification.

But while most have rather focused on advising whether he should go or how his going will be interpreted or even what he should say if he does go, I have not come across anyone asking what kind of man is returning to Africa.


Instead of the tea party experiment which was supposed to lead to a Republican success story conservatives promised a few years ago, Kansas now has a $400 million budget shortfall


Tomas Mega

There is an inherent risk in anything experimental: you may not get the anticipated results. Experiments involving science rely on the application of the scientific method, testing hypotheses and eventually altering or modifying assumptions as dictated by empirical or measurable outcomes.



By Chris Patten

London – Let us give praise where it is richly deserved. Despite all the criticism they faced, US President Barack Obama and his Secretary of State, John Kerry, stuck doggedly to the task of negotiating a deal with Iran to limit its nuclear program. Together with representatives of the United Kingdom, Russia, China, France, and Germany, they have now succeeded.