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Secretary of Treasury Jacob J. Lew and EU International Cooperation and Development Commissioner Neven Mimica sign MOU to strengthen US-EU coordination

Addressing the critical need to finance infrastructure in Africa is a core theme at the United Nation’s Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Ethiopia.  To support these efforts to improve power generation and  access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa, Secretary of Treasury Jacob J. Lew, and European Union (EU) Commissioner Neven Mimica today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance coordination between the EU and Power Africa that will deepen their ongoing long-term engagement with partner countries and the private sector to assist developing countries increase access to electricity for over 600 million people in sub-Saharan Africa.

Despite frequent revelations about Mrs. Clinton’s problematic ways of doing things, and in the face of daily doses of Hillary hammering on FOX News, she remains popular, reports our U.S. correspondent Tomas Mega

You cannot argue with facts. They are attractive, leggy, purposely toss their abundant manes of blonde hair and are consecrated with surplus attributes of the female physique. There are even a few brunettes. More often than not, their necklines plunge, and their choreographed, cross-legged posture reveals just enough upper leg to detain the immediate attention of male and female viewers alike. They are the women of FOX News and they detest Hillary Clinton.

When a horrific crime or act of terrorism occurs in America, it is often a ‘knee-jerk’ reaction for Americans to want the person or persons put to death, says Addis Standard’s U.S. correspondent Tomas Mega, but America’s system of justice allows for seemingly endless appeals for those sentenced to death, requiring families and loved ones of the victims to relive those horrific events

Eight-year-old Martin Richard was standing only a few meters from the pressure cooker bomb fashioned by the Tsaranev brothers when it detonated on April 15, 2013 at the Boston Marathon. He was killed; literally torn apart. His six-year old sister, Jane, had her leg blown off and his mother, Denise, lost an eye in the explosion. Bill Richard, Martin’s father, also received injuries. Two others were killed by the blast, and another, a university police officer, was murdered by the Tsaranev brothers days after the attack. The bombing also left nearly 260 people wounded, many of whom lost limbs.