#DailyScoop: Gov’t instructs Federal Defense Forces to stay put in Amhara state areas taken over from Tigray forces

Legesse Tulu (PhD), the Minister of Communication Services

The Minister of Communication Services, Dr. Legesse Tulu, said the government has decided federal defense forces to hold on to the areas taken by the Defense Forces from Tigrayan forces. Dr. Legesse said the first phase of the “campaign for multinational unity” has been successfully completed. Following that, the government has decided for members of the national defense forces to stay put in the areas vacated from Tigrayan forces.

The decision was passed taking into account the problems faced by the defense forces in the Tigray region in the past.He mentioned that prior to the start of the war, federal defense forces were on the way out of the Tigray region, but were impeded by “conspirators” who took to “sleeping on the streets” to prevent the departure inluding “mothers and the elderly who were begging for the army to stay in.”

However, “In the wake of the attack on the Northern Command, the government was obliged to enforce the law, and that cooperation was initially possible” but later on measures were taken to stab the army in the back,” he said. The other reason for the army’s continued presence in Amhara state is the government’s decision not to be trapped “in the conspiracy of the terrorist group,” said the Minister, adding that “there are reports that the TPLF is preparing to transport the bodies of thousands of its members and bury them in mass graves to blame it on the government.”

Dr. Legesse further aid that the army will continue to be deployed in areas where there is a threat to the national unity and peace. Similarly, he said the crackdown on Shene the government reference to Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), will continue to intensify. AS

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