News: Armed men kill fourteen civilians, injure more than six in Benishangul Gumuz region

Addis Abeba, July 29/2020 – Armed men killed 14 civilians and injured more than six in Metekel zone, Guba Wereda in Benishangul Gumuz regional state on July 27 night, Amhara Mass Media Agency (AMMA) reported yesterday.

Ahmed Kumsari, Guba wereda administrator, confirmed the killing and said the attackers were armed bandits who mounted the attack at night. The injured are receiving treatment in Pawe hospital.

Ahmed told AMMA that the armed bandits reside in forests and have previous records of abducting elders, members of militia and snatching arms. They are wanted outlaws being pursued by law enforcement agents, he said, adding, anti-guerrilla fighters unit were currently in pursuit of the perpetrators. Members of the federal army were also deployed in areas identified as risk areas in order to prevent similar attacks, he said.

Gizachew Muluneh, Amhara regional state communication bureau head, on his part said that the regional state was following the situation closely. “The bandits are organized [group] seeking to instigate ethnic violence and are moving around in order to implement the agenda of radical forces,” AMMA quoted Gizachew as saying, adding, the federal army members in coordination with the regional security forces were following the matter. Works are also underway to stabilize affected areas, Gizachew further said. AS

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