News: Ezema accuses ruling Prosperity Party of fueling unresolved issues, crisis in Ethiopia

Professor Berhanu Nega, leader of Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice (Ezema) Photo: Screenshot

Addis Abeba – Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice (Ezema) has made grave accusations against the ruling Prosperity Party (PP), holding it responsible for the unresolved and critical issues currently plaguing Ethiopia. In an official statement issued today, Ezema highlighted the lack of a cohesive position and efficacy within the PP as a significant factor contributing to the prevailing state of disharmony and instability within the nation.

Ezema highlighted the deteriorating unity within the ruling party as the primary driver of the current crisis, particularly in the Amhara region. In recent months, armed clashes between government forces and the non-state Fano militia have escalated in Amhara. Yelikal Kefale, president of the Amhara region, expressed apprehension last week regarding the detrimental effects of road blockades and movement restrictions on the local population. He underscored the far-reaching social, economic, and political ramifications, emphasizing that the conflict has led to extensive destruction and a significant loss of human life.

According to a statement from Ezema, the situation in the Amhara region has worsened due to the government’s inadequate fulfillment of its responsibilities. The statement emphasized that years of unresolved resentment, abuse, and despair have played a role in the region’s current predicament. Additionally, Ezema accused the government of insufficiently addressing past grievances and concerns, resulting in heightened tensions and plunging the country into its present crisis.

According to Ezema, the ongoing crisis in Ethiopia, which commenced in 2015, has been characterized by a persistent dependence on the state of emergency as a strategy to alleviate tensions and reinstate stability. The opposition party further highlighted that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s administration, since assuming power, has extensively employed this approach to address numerous crises and conflicts throughout the country.

On 4 August, 2023, the Council of Ministers unanimously approved a decision to implement a state of emergency in the restive Amhara Regional State. For several months, the region has been plagued by an escalating conflict between government forces and the non-state Fano militia. The Council’s response follows an urgent plea from Yelikal, who, on 3 August, 2023, formally requested intervention from the federal government to tackle the rapidly worsening security crisis.

The government’s repeated failure to fulfill its obligations has resulted in the utilization of this repetitive strategy, according to the opposition party. As a result, Ezema contends that declaring a State of Emergency will ultimately prove ineffective in achieving its intended goals.

In addition to the ongoing conflict, the opposition party has raised concerns about the government’s alleged role in significant human rights violations. According to the party, these violations often take place under the guise of utilizing State of Emergency measures. Ezema argues that these actions serve as a key driver of the conflict, demanding immediate attention. AS

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