News: Harari Mass Media journalist, editor Muhayadin Abdullahi released on bail

By Etenesh Abera @EteneshAb

Addis Abeba – Muhayadin Abdullahi, Afan Oromo journalist, and Editor at Harari region’s broadcaster, Harari Mass Media agency, was released yesterday after nine days in police custody. Muhayadin told Addis Standard that he was receiving threats for his ‘truthful reporting’

 According to him, his arrest was associated with these threats he was receiving and after that, they had a reason to arrest him because his social media post asked the Majlis to be way stronger in regards to the Gondar incident.

“The police investigators and prosecutors took me to the office before they released me on a 2000 birr bail. They told me to quit writing on my personal Facebook page,” he said. According to Muhayadin,  the threats went as far as telling him, “ If you post anything after this, you and your family will face the consequences and we will make sure you go back to prison.”  

The journalist also revealed the warrant for his arrest after he was arrested and in prison. It can be recalled that the court had guaranteed 14 days for the investigation.

Muhayadin recalled that this was not the first time he was harassed. He said “ Last year for unknown reasons, members of the Oromia Special Force beat me in my office compound while my coworkers and colleagues watched.” He expressed disappointment in his media house for not pursing legal measures against the security forces. AS

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