News: Investment Commission, Africa Advisory Partners sign MoU to promote FDI

Anteneh Senbeta, Deputy Commissioner for Investment at the EIC and AAP Associate Director and Head of Horn of Africa, Sandy Wade, signed the MoU

Addis Abeba, April 15/2019 – The Ethiopian Investment Commission has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Africa Advisory Partners (AAP), an advisory firm that help clients establish and execute market entry and business development strategies across Africa.

The MoU is aimed at promoting “foreign direct investment in Ethiopia, especially in the areas of manufacturing, agro-processing and services,” a statement sent by AAP said.

Speaking at the singing ceremony, Anteneh Senbeta, Deputy Commissioner for Investment at the EIC, said Ethiopia welcomes “this new approach by Africa Advisory Partners and are ready to welcome and assist new investors to Ethiopia.”

AAP Associate Director and Head of Horn of Africa, Sandy Wade, on his part said that AAP has a long history of supporting market entry in the region and “looks forward to working with the Ethiopian Investment Commission, together with the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency, to bring new investors to the Ethiopian market.”

AAP works with corporate client and financial investors on: buy side, corporate finance search and select engagements; providing support to establish and execute green field site investments; building relationships and arrangements to structure joint ventures between companies; and creating sales channels for Africa distribution.

“AAP works on discreet projects where independence is a valuable ingredient of success or as an extension of our clients’ capabilities, building or extending their business reach in Africa,” AAP’s statement further said. AS

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