News: Ministry to rebuild more than 70 war-damaged schools in Amhara and Afar regions

Berhanu Nega, Minister of Education

Addis Abeba – Ministry of Education (MoE) has announced that it will rebuild 71 standard schools using financial support from World Bank (WB), Menschen für Menschen charity organization and the Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund (DTF) in the Amhara and Afar regions, which were demolished during the bloody war that lasted for nearly two years between Tigrayan forces and the federal government.

According to the Ministry, the ministry has officially launched the work of 71 standard schools destroyed in the war as part of its plan to improve the quality of education in the country.

In his remarks in the official launching program, Professor Berhanu Nega, Minister of Education, said that the schools will be constructed with a standard and installed with the necessary infrastructure.

The ministry said that, 50 of the schools will be built with the support and cooperation of the WB, whereas the 16 of them will be built by the Menschen für Menschen organization while the other five will be built by the DTF.

The minister said similar works will continue in the most affected Tigray Region after conducting assessments.

In December, 2022, a report by the UN’s global fund for education in emergencies, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), revealed that over 8,700 schools were partially or severely damaged due to conflicts and climate-related crisis in Ethiopia forcing 3.6 million children out of school. AS

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