News: PM Abiy in Asmara for a two day working visit

Addis Abeba, July 18/2019 – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed arrived in Asmara, Eritrea, today for a tow-day working visit, Yemane G. Meskel, Eritrea’s Minister of Information tweeted.

“The two sides will discuss further enhancement of the all-rounded cooperation between the two countries as well as regional and other matters of mutual interest. The Ethiopian delegation includes Finance Minister Ahmed Shide and other government officials,” Yemane added.

The visit by PM Abiy came exactly one year since Ethiopian Airlines launched its historic flight to Asmara on July 18/2018, more than two decades after diplomatic relations between Addis Abeba and Asmara were severed.

The year-old rapprochement between the two countries saw the normalization of diplomatic relations with the re-opening of their embassies in each other’s capitals. However recently many critics say relations between the two countries were getting frosty, again. Assumptions follow the inexplicable unilateral border closure by Eritrea of the four crossing points connecting it with Ethiopia. AS

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