News: Security forces detain two more journalists, media personalities arrested in last two weeks reaches at least six

Dawit Begashaw (Left) Tewodros Asfaw (Right) (Photos: Social Media)

Addis Ababa – Journalist and political analyst Tewodros Asfaw, who is the founder of “Ethio Salam” YouTube channel has been re-arrested from his residence today by security forces, family members told Addis Standard.

After he was taken away, the security forces returned to search his house, and took his passport and personal phone, shortly before they took him to the Federal Police Criminal Investigation Office, said his mother Alem Zewdu.

Upon his arrest Tewodros was told that he was suspected of committing crimes of inciting violence, his wife Enat Tamirat told Addis Standard.

This is the second time in as many weeks that Tewodros is arrested and being accused of offenses related to inciting violence. In February Tewodros was arrested following the schism within the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) and the ensuing unrest, and was released on 30,000 birr bail on 22 February after nine days of detention.

Similarly journalist Dawit Begashaw, the editor of YouTube based media called “Arat Kilo Media”, and member of the executive committee and head of foreign and public relations of the Ethiopian Media Professionals Association was arrested on Wednesday in Bahir Dar city by the security forces, his colleague journalist Alazar Terfe told Addis Standard.

According to Alazar, Dawit was arrested from a hotel in Bahir Dar where he was on vacation after his studio equipment was stolen from his workplace in Addis Abeba. 

The arrest of Tewodros and Dawit brings the number of journalists and media personalities arrested over the last two weeks to at least six. 

On Sunday, Meskerem Abera, founder and owner of “Ethio Nikat“, a YouTube-based media, was arrested for the third time being accused of giving military and shooting exercises to informal groups. 

Genet Asmamaw, a journalist at a YouTube based Yaneta Media was beaten and harassed by security forces when she was arrested on 06 April according to an audio recorded during her arrest that was being widely shared on social media.

Another two journalists, Abay Zewudu of Amhara Media Center and Aragaw Sisay of Roha News were also arrested last week in Addis Abeba.

Addis Standard previously reported the arrest on 26 March of journalist Getnat Ashagre, editor-in-chief of Amhara Voice Media from his residence in Addis Abeba. AS

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