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More than 800,000 people need food assistance while over 3.3 million livestock have perished (Picture: Borana Zone Communication) Addis Abeba - The Oromia Physicians’ Association (OPA ), a non-governmental professional association, said the prolonged drought in Borana zone of Oromia regional state in Southwestern Ethiopia has

More than 800 people in need of emergency food assistance in Borana zone - officials, Photo: UNICEF Addis Abeba - Education office of the drought hit Borana zone of Oromia region in southern Ethiopia said more than 7,800 students have been forced out of school as

More than 2.3 million heads of livestock have died due to prolonged drought, Photo: ©UNICEF Ethiopia/Demissew Bizuwerk. By Galgalo Dika (PhD) @galgalodiqa Addis Abeba - The earth's climate has been changing from time to time due to various anthropogenic and natural factors. Raise in global temperature, sea