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This article was originally published on June 22/2013.


Zela Gayle

“In our own mix we find our true calling”, becomes much more than a description of ‘Mixology’, the masterful debut Album from the young artist Vahe Tilbian in which he reconnects his roots as an Ethiopian, born into one of the country’s oldest immigrant communities  – Armenian.


ED’s Note: This article was first published in the June 2013 print edition of  Addis Standard magazine

Zela Gayle

Addis Abeba, May 25/2018 – “Love” is what “motivates” him to play the piano because “the sound of it is so much related to the feeling of love.” These are not words from a teenage boy, who is deep in his high school crash; these are the words of an Ethiopian pianist Samuel Yirga, who, at 27, is fast becoming one of the most innovative young piano players around the world.