April 2015


Chris Patten

London – Democratic elections cannot be described as competitions aimed at revealing which candidates tell the unvarnished truth. Most politicians try to avoid telling outright lies; they bob and weave like prizefighters when faced with questions that might ensnare them in outright mendacity. But they invariably exaggerate what they have to offer, as well as the perils that would result should their opponents win.

The Argentine State Secretary for Affairs Relating to the Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and the Surrounding Maritime Areas has met members of the diplomatic community and the press at the Argentine Embassy in Addis Abeba on Wednesday. The State Secretary, Ambassador Daniel Filmus urged governments in the African continent to support Argentina’s attempt to reclaim the Malvinas Islands from the United Kingdom.


Mohamed Salih, Special to Addis Standard

Three distinct notions of politicized Islam dominate the landscape of the Islamic World. The first is political Islam, which underpins the conceptual edifice, ethos, norms and messages as well as meanings of Islam as a political ideology. The second is Islamic political parties that represent the institutional manifestation, the vehicle or an instrument through which political Islam expresses itself. Here political Islam exhibits the institutional and practical manifestation of diverse strands of political parties which can be radical or moderate. And third, Islamic political parties which are extremist or radical Jihadist in nature such as ISIS (operating in Syria and Iraq), Al Shabab (Somalia and Kenya), Al-Qaeda (in the Islamic Maghreb (AGIM) and the Arabian Peninsula (Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Iraq) and Boko Haram, in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger.