Home2017January (Page 3)

January 2017

Dear editors,

First my greetings to all the people of Ethiopia, who made me who I am today so that I can serve them back in my profession as a journalist; the ones who are still suffering under this repressive regime while struggling in search of freedom and good governance. To the Ethiopian Muslims, who are suffering under ruthless successive regimes, but continue struggling tirelessly to make sure our religious rights are restored and respected; and also to the “Dimtsachin Yisema” activists who strive to make our voices heard.

To all Ethiopian journalists who are paying the ultimate price unto exile; to all Ethiopians pushed from your homeland and suffering in exile; to all Ethiopians fighting for liberty, here and afar.

To all of you who are suffering the departures of your loved ones to the dungeons of this regime we have; and to all the international organizations who stood by me during this testing time; The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), Reporters Without Borders, and Amnesty International, among others; to local and international media outlets who are the voices of these who are rendered voiceless; and Lastly to my families (especially my beloved wife and children) and friends, who are suffering as me, if not more.

Calls on the government to “Restore Rights, Address Grievances”

Nairobi, January 12, 2017 – Ethiopia plunged into a human rights crisis in 2016, increasing restrictions on basic rights during a state of emergency and continuing a bloody crackdown against largely peaceful protesters, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2017. The state of emergency permits arbitrary detention, restricts access to social media, and bans communications with foreign groups.