Home2021 (Page 139)

May 2021

House-to-house health checkups by health extension workers in Dire Dawa Administration. April 2020 Addis Abeba, May 24/20221 - The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the European Union (EU) will provide EUR 26.5 million worth of liquidity and debt relief to

Addis Abeba, May 24/2021 – Ethiopia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Ethiopia “categorically reject” media report alleging use of “suspected white phosphorus attacks” in Tigray. In a statement it published late Sunday night, the Ministry said it “noted the report published today on

Women and children were the first causalities of the ongoing war in Tigray Credit- UNHCR Hazim- Elhag Addis Abeba, May 24/2021 – U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, announced visa restrictions for “any current or former” Ethiopian, Eritrean officials “responsible for, or