News: Ethiopia “categorically rejects” media report on “suspected white phosphorus attacks” in Tigray

Addis Abeba, May 24/2021 – Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Ethiopia “categorically reject” media report alleging use of “suspected white phosphorus attacks” in Tigray.

In a statement it published late Sunday night, the Ministry said it “noted the report published today on the Telegraph by Mr. Will Brown, the Africa correspondent of the magazine based in Nairobi, about the alleged use of “chemical weapons” in the Tigray region. He said, “…civilians in northern Ethiopia have suffered horrific burns consistent with the use of white phosphorus, a potential war crime.”

“Ethiopia has not employed and will never use such banned munitions because it takes its international obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention extremely seriously.”


The Ministry was referring to an earlier report The Telegraph in which the paper said image and video it obtained from Tigray “show injuries consistent” with the use of “suspected white phosphorus attacks” in Tigray.

“In this connection, the Ministry would like to categorically reject this allegation. Ethiopia has not employed and will never use such banned munitions because it takes its international obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention extremely seriously. As a victim of chemical weapons attack itself, Ethiopia also condemns in the strongest terms the use of chemical weapons by anyone anywhere.

The Ministry had already forewarned the international community about the publication of such a malicious and irresponsible report, which does not have any other purpose than fueling further tension. It cannot be seen any different from the ongoing effort to ratchet up pressure against the Ethiopian government,” the Ministry said.

In an earlier report the Ministry released on the same day it said the Ministry knew that “a prominent international publication will publish a report in the coming days alleging the use of chemical weapons against the people of Tigray. The charge is malicious and beyond irresponsible. It seeks to further inflame and divide the nation, particularly as it moves towards national elections. The world is forewarned.” AS

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