Home2022November (Page 22)

November 2022

Mohammed Idris. Photo: EMA Addis Abeba - The Ethiopian Media Authority (EMA) has announced that guidelines are being prepared indicating on how the media should report on the AU-led permanent cessation of hostilities agreement between the federal government and the Tigray people's Liberation Front

Nekemte, the capital city of East Wollega zone of the Oromia regional state is located at approximately 317 km from Ethiopia's capital Addis Abeba. By Getahun Legesse @birmaduu2 Addis Abeba - Residents say civilians have been killed following an intense fighting between fighters of rebel

ICRC connecting Tigrayan families separated with their loved ones due to communication blackout. Photo: ICRC By Mihret G/Kiristos @MercyG_kirstos Addis Abeba - The Tigray regional state in northern Ethiopia where war has been raging for two years has been under a communications blackout since the Tigrayan