Home2022 (Page 213)

May 2022

Major General Gebremedhin Fikadu, a.k.a Wedi Necho. Picture: Archive/Screenshot By Medihane Ekubamichael @Medihane Addis Abeba - Tigrayans mourned the unexpected death of Major General Gebremedhin Fikadu, a.k.a Wedi Necho, who was the Head Defense Communication and Electronics Cyber ​​Department at the Ethiopian National Defense Forces

Alleged members of OLA who are executed shortly after their arrest Photo: Warra Jarsoo Woreda Communication Bureau By Siyanne Mekonnen @Siyaanne  Addis Abeba - Several reports of summary executions and civilian casualties of airstrikes have been coming out of Oromia in the past two weeks. Civilians