Home2023May (Page 23)

May 2023

Solar pump installation at Malima Bari peasant association of Bora district, East Shoa zone ( Photo Credit: ILRI\ Amenti Chali) 2016. Addis Abeba- The Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands has announced that it has decided to end imports of water pumps that run on diesel

The late Omer Lemma. Photo: Afar region prosperity party Addis Abeba - Omer Lemma, Harka Woreda, Afar Regional State Organizational Department Head of the ruling Prosperity Party (PP) was shot dead by "terrorists" en route from Adama city, in oromia region, to Awash, the party's

Picture: EBC Addis Abeba - Oromo Cultural Studies Institute Center and Tigray Languages Academy have today signed a memorandum of understanding to enable the two institutions to work together in the field. According to state media, the MoU was signed at an ongoing panel discussion taking