Home2023 (Page 163)

February 2023

OPA delivered aid to IDPs in Horro Guduru and Guji zones in January, 2023, Photo: OPA By Oromia Physicians Association @oromiaphysician Addis Abeba - The late, legendary artist Hachalu Hundessa’s music still resonates with the pain felt by hundreds of thousands of Oromo civilians who were forced

Ms. Suzanne Mandong, UNFPA Representative in Ethiopia (Left), ITO Takako, Ambassador of Japan to Ethiopia (Right) during the launch ceremony Photo: Embassy of Japan in Addis Abeba Addis Abeba - Japan and UNFPA, the UN’s sexual and reproductive health agency jointly launched on 20 February a

St. Mary's University, undergraduate program conducting students awareness creation session on Higher Education Exit Exam (HEEE), Photo: St. Mary's University By Molla Mitiku   @MollaAyenew Addis Abeba – The announcement to provide an exit exam to all private and public university, first degree graduating students has been