Home2023 (Page 178)

February 2023

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Mekelle Branch. Photo: Social Media Addis Abeba – The National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) has begun distributing 5 billion Birr ($90 million) to banks in the Tigray region to enable them resume their much needed services amidst growing complaints from residents

PM Abiy and TPLF representatives met on Friday in Halela Kella, a remote area located in Dawro Zone of the SNNP regional state. Picture: Redwan Hussien Addis Abeba - The Peace negotiating teams of the federal government and the Tigray Region have met in

Berhanu Nega, Minister of Education Addis Abeba – Ministry of Education (MoE) has announced that it will rebuild 71 standard schools using financial support from World Bank (WB), Menschen für Menschen charity organization and the Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund (DTF) in the Amhara and Afar