Coming soon: Ana Gomes exclusive with Addis Standard

The ongoing 26th session of the African, Caribbean, Pacific and European Union joint Parliamentary Assembly ACP-EU/JPA brought hundreds of participants from member states to Addis Ababa. But it also brought Ana Gomes back to Ethiopia for the first time the 2005 post-election chaos. Ana Gomez is currently the coordinator of the foreign affairs committee of the Socialist Democratic group and spokesperson of the group. This is the second largest, right wing group within the European Parliament.

Addis Standard had an exclusive interview with Ana Gomes, which will soon be made available for our online readers.

Back in 2005, was the EU on her side or not? Eight years later, does she believe in Ethiopia’s narrative of a democratic agenda? What does she feel about the next general election?  Her comments on a cancelation of an EU funded project in Ethiopia, and the smoothened, presumably new interaction she established with the Ethiopian authorities in power; and what does she think of her Ethiopian Name Hana Gobeze? And much more. Stay tuned.

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