Updated #ASDailyScoop: Benishagul Gumuz State Council approves renaming of Berta nation to Benishangul, split Assosa into two Woredas

Berta People In Banishangul Gumuz region. Picture: Taste Ethiopia Tours

Update IBenishagul Gumuz State Council approves renaming of Berta nation to Benishangul

Addis Abeba – In a meeting it held today, the Benishangul Gumuz Regional State Council has unanimously approved the renaming of Berta nation to Benishangul nation.

According to the regional state’s communication bureau,the decision to rename the formerly Berta name to Benishangul was passed at the 13th regular session of the 5th year, 7th term of the council’s meeting, which is happening today.

The Berta is a small community group that reside mainly in the 7 Woredas of Assosa Zone of the Benishangul Gumuz regional state. More than 96.3% of the population is Muslim and about 95% depend on subsistence farming, according to a 2009 survey. The Berta community are known for their unique cultural music called Zumbara (see video below).

The Council’s decision today followed an earlier decision by the lower Council of the Berta people which took place in Kurmuk wereda which approved the renaming of Berta to Benishangul based on the history of the nation.

In Addition to the renaming, the council has also discussed and approved the performance report of the regional state’s first half of the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

Senior officials, including Benishangul Gumuz state president, shadli Hassan (front row right) attending the Council’s meeting today. Picture: BG Communication Bureau

Update II

Council approves proposed amendment to split Assosa Woreda into two, re-establish regional militia

Before it concluded its 13th regular session, the meeting by the Benishangul Gumuz Regional State Council unanimously approved a proposed amendment to split the Assosa Woreda into two woredas. Accordingly, Assosa woreda is now renamed “Ura Woreda” and “Abrahamo Woreda”, the Council also discussed and approved a proclamation to re-establish the Benishagul Gumuz Regional Militia Office.

According to the regional state communication bureau, the newly reorganized Ura and Abrahamo Woredas will each have 41 kebeles and are organized in lone with public services provision. The decision was taken based on a proposed amendment to strengthen and decentralize the Assosa Woreda administration in the regional state, the bureau said. AS

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