#ASDailyScoop: Chief admin of Simurobi Gele’alo in Afar state appeals for urgent help after fire ravages woreda

Left: Hassen Handeye.Pictures: Afar communication bureau

Addis Abeba – Hassen Handeye, the chief administrator of the woreda which was ravaged by fire on the night of April 11, said that the residents of the woreda are in urgent need of assistance as they continue to suffer water shortage due to a prior electric outage, during this season of Ramadan.

‘’People have been displaced from their houses, emergency aid is needed; food, potable water, clothes, and shelter are urgently required,’’ said Hassen. Hassen notes that the fire caused significant property damage, including destroying 80 businesses and 500,000 ETB worth of merchandise and cash within them as well 80 residences also with 200,000 ETB worth of goods and cash.  Calculating the financial costs of the accident, he says, nearly 56 million birr worth of damages were caused excluding the destroyed merchandise, goods, and cash with the properties. He, however, stated that no human lives were lost as a result of the disaster. 

The lack of fire fighting and prevention mechanisms in the surrounding towns of Debreberhan and Showa Robit has also meant that destruction could not be mitigated, he adds. Hassen stressed that electric utility services must also contribute their own share in alleviation and rectified the initial assumption that the fire was started due to kerosene and said electrical wiring contact that then spread to the kerosene shop. AS

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