Business: Two cooperative unions in Konso zone, Karat surrounding area kick off gold mining activities

100 unemployed youths are organized in two blocks under the two cooperatives to engage in the gold mining activities. Picture: Konso Zone Communication Bureau

Addis Abeba – Two cooperative unions in Lehayite Kebele, Karat Woreda, in Konso Zone of the Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s (SNNP) regional state kicked off gold mining activities on 20 April with some 100 unemployed youths organized in two blocks under the two cooperatives, Konso Zone communication bureau said.

The Bureau said that gold, granite and other precious metals are discovered in Konso zone.

Gelgelo Gelsho, Deputy Administrator and Head of Trade and Market Development Department of Konso Zone, Tesfaye Chare, Zonal government whip, Oda Otoman, Speaker of the Konso Zone council and other senior officials of the zonal and Karat surrounding woreda have launched the start of the gold mining activities by the youth in Lehayite Kebele.

Gelgelo Gelsho on his part called on the people of Konso to focus on re-strengthening the gold mines in a way that will contribute to the supply of gold to the global market and rebrand the Konso people’s background in mining activities

Two blocks of gold production sites have been set up covering 8 hectares of land in the area, according to a study conducted using GPS data in the area. Subsequently, the two local cooperative unions have been formed to work on the gold mining activities, Mentesnot Lemita, head of the zonal water, mining and energy development department, said.

Deputy Administrator, Gelgelo Gelsho on his part called on the people of Konso to focus on re-strengthening the gold mines in a way that will contribute to the supply of gold to the global market and rebrand the Konso people’s background in mining activities.

Tesfaye Chare shared the Deputy Administrator’s messages and added that the Konso zone has not benefited from its mineral resources and that there was a need to intensify the ongoing gold mining activities which will not only create job opportunities for the local youths but also contribute to the Konso zone development, the region and the country. He further pledged that the government will work in coordination with the the two cooperative unions and their organized members in Lehayite Kebele of Karat surrounding Woreda. AS

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