
Mal-nourished child in Tigray (Photo:UNICEF) By Mihret G Kristos @MercyG_kirstos Addis Abeba – The Tigray regional health bureau said the number of under five children dying of acute malnutrition has increased by 28% between March and April amidst worsening humanitarian situation in the region. Mengsh Bahreslassie, nutrition coordinator at

If you think stepping on a scale and weighing yourself gives you the whole picture about the risks of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, think again! Measuring your waistline may be more important than weighing your whole self.

 Faben Getachew



For the most part people are unaware of visceral fat – or of what is commonly known as belly fat- and the great health risks associated with it. Most think that it merely poses nuisance for people who want to look good in their clothes. But the fat you carry around your waistline may be more dangerous to your health than any other fat in any other part of your body regardless of whether you are overweight or not.


Feben Getachew




How great is it that this rainy season brings us plenty of sweet potatoes. This amazing tuber which is native to the Central America is not only easily available and tastes great, but is also a powerhouse of nutrients packed with many health benefits. But what is beneficial about sweet potatoes? They contain a great number of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and blood sugar-regulating nutrients which are great for you.