Mesenbet Shenkute is the first female president of one of the oldest chambers in Africa which has more than 16,000 members

Yared Tsegaye

Addis Abeba, Oct. 26/2018 – Mesenbet Shenkute, former Vice President to the State Bank, Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE), and president of Abay Bank, one of the late entrants of private banks in Ethiopia, has become the first female president of the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association (AACCSA), which she served as a board of directors for two years. The wife of the well known historian Bahiru Zewde (Prof), Mesenbet owns a private consultancy firm, news Dimension Consultancy Plc., and is a board member of the Ethiopian Space Science Society.  In an election held yesterday, 25 October, at the Intercontinental Addis Hotel, Mesenbet won AACCSA’s presidency and took over the position from the outgoing president Elias Geneti, 54, who ran the Chamber for the past four years.