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discussions taking place between communities from Konso and Ale Special Woreda adjacent areas on rehabilitating displaced civilians. Picture: Ale Special Woreda/17 April 2022 Addis Abeba - Intercommunal violence that erupted in Konso zone of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples (SNNP) region in southern

The unrest over the weekend has left several houses destroyed and thousands of civilians displaced. Picture: South Omo zone communication bureau Addis Abeba - The administration of South Omo zone in Southern Nations, Nationalities and People's regions state (SNNPRS) appealed for government help to rehabilitate

Jinka is the capital city of South Omo zone in SNNPRS. Picture: Zonal administration By Etenesh Abera @Eteneshab Addis Abeba - After a week-long unrest left unknown numbers of displacement and damage to several properties in various places including in and around Jinka city, the capital