HomeHealth (Page 18)


Hana (name changed) and her friends stay in a shelter for displaced people, Shewa Robit town. When conflict happens women and children are affected first and affected most. Photo: UNICEFEthiopia/2021/NahomTesfaye Addis Abeba, August 31/2021 - The conflict that has spread across

Lia Tadesse, Minister of Health. Photo: Personal Social Media By Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12 Addis Abeba, August 13/2021 - Ministry of Health (MoH) previously said that studies and research were underway to investigate the emergence of the COVID Delta variant in Ethiopia. While briefing journalists on

Project Launching Event. Photo: Light for the World By Etenesh Abera @EteneshAb Addis Abeba, July 30/2021  -  Light for the World in collaboration with Care Austria and the Austrian Red Cross launched a new project entitled ‘Covid-19 responses across humanitarian development nexus in Ethiopia.’’  The project aimed