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Eskinder Nega. Picture: Screengrab/CPJ Addis Standard staff Addis Abeba, October 23/2021 – Eskinder Nega, founder of the opposition Balderas for Genuince Democracy, has expressed his concerns to visiting officials from the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) representatives that the recent physical attack he suffered

Lt. Gen. Asrat Denero, Commander-in-Chief of the FDRE Ground Forces and Coordinator of the Metekel Zone Integrated Command Post in a meeting with local militia in Pawi Wereda. Picture: Metekel Zone Addis Standard staff Addis Abeba, October 01/2021 - The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

Picture: Hans Birger Nilsen, as provided by EHRC. Addis Abeba, September 24/2021 - The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has expressed concerns over the security situation of civilians in Kiramu Woreda, in East Welega Zone of Oromia regional state after the killing of 18 people