Addis Abeba - The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) draws attention to the security crisis in Gambella region saying that the situation has severe consequences on human rights and that it needs urgent attention. The commission said in a statement on Sunday that the deteriorating security

Daniel Bekele PhD, Chief Commissioner, EHRC (Right), Rakeb Mesele, Deputy Chief Commissioner, EHRC (Left) (Photo: Addis Standard) Addis Abeba - The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said conflict, insecurity, attacks by armed groups, and security measures by government forces continued to cause civilian deaths, bodily injuries

Screenshots of incidents where government forces killed civilian on the record (Screenshots:Addis Standard) By Natnael Fite @NatieFit Addis Abeba - A graphic video of uniformed government security forces shooting two people, in civilian clothes with their hands tied behind their backs and facing away, in the back