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Human Rights

Hana (name changed) and her friends stay in a shelter for displaced people, Shewa Robit town. When conflict happens women and children are affected first and affected most. Photo: UNICEFEthiopia/2021/NahomTesfaye Addis Abeba, August 31/2021 - The conflict that has spread across

Violence broke out in East Wollega last week claiming the lives of hundreds of civilians By Siyanne Mekonnen @Siyaanne  Addis Abeba, August 28/2021 - The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) strongly criticized the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission(EHRC) and accused it of omitting the atrocities it said were committed

"We call on any negotiated political settlement to include a process of public accountability for mass atrocities committed across Ethiopia" Click here to download full document Addis Abeba, August 27/2021 – We write this letter as concerned African intellectuals on the continent and