HomeOp/EdLetters (Page 10)


Dear Editor,
If his passing away is likely to have a national security connotation, we don’t mind waiting until the ruling party gets control of the situation (What his absence gave away, August 2012). Any country would do the same if the information has a national security impact. As can be seen, there are many groups who are happy, wishing and waiting his death, assuming the country would mess up and they benefit from a likely turmoil and drift.

I pray for PM Meles’s health; dearest, genius and dedicated son of Ethiopia. And I hope enemies of Ethiopia’s development will be embarrassed by his revival.



Dear Editor

I read your cover story on the terrible fate of black African asylum seekers in Israel (Israel not safe for African asylum seekers, July 2012) with a mixed feeling of anger and frustration. What is happening to black African asylum seekers in Israel is no different than what has continued to happen to millions of Palestinians who are left landless and stateless by the continued Israeli policy that has based its existence on committing the most absolute crime against humanity. The saddest part of this tragedy is that although the state of Israel has shown, time and again, its conceit to international laws, the world at large has maintained its status of being the partner in crime. This is a disgrace to the history of mankind.

Allan Griffin

Addis Ababa 

Dear Editor

It is really a great honor for me to be one of your readers. Every month I buy your magazine either from a shop or I get it from a friend who is your admirer. But the recent issue of your magazine about Islam in Ethiopia (What went wrong with Islam in Ethiopia June 20 12) is somewhat interesting.

The columnist Salehedin Eshetu Getahun has made a fair analysis about the problems of Islam in Ethiopia. But at the end he made unfair conclusion by using the opinion of a so-called Mohammed wherein he asserted that no significant ministerial position has been held by a Muslim in Ethiopia. I, as a citizen of Algeria residing in your nice country, was surprised to read such a misleading conclusion. Has the good writer forgotten or deliberately overlooked that there are key posts in the cabinet of PM Meles Zenawi held by Muslims? What about Mr. Sufian Mohammed, Minister of Finance and Economic Development? What about Mr. Jundedin Sado, the Minister of Civil Service and what about Mr. Redwan Hassen , Senior Adviser with the rank of a minister in the office of PM Zenawi? What else do we need? Is it not a great thing to have these people in the government in a country where, according to the past history, Muslims were never considered as citizens in equal status with Christians? I think your editorial team should examine
articles before they appear in public.

Adem Halifa-Tabit
Addis Ababa