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Mohamed Shire for Addis Standard

Addis Abeba, January 31, 2017 – A little-known think-tank in Ethiopia has recently raised a storm in the Somali political scene. It is striking how an analytical piece published by the Centre for Dialogue, Research and Cooperation (CDRC) formerly Institute for Advanced Research (IAR)- a monthly publication in Addis Abeba- dominated the public space in the face of a devastating drought that crippled rural livelihood, and the terrorist atrocities which both negatively affect the lives of so many citizens.

 Mohamed Shire for Addis Standard

In the past weeks or months, Somali political discourse was dominated by the 2016 parliamentary elections and whether the country will be able to pull this off at all.  Large segments of the society and some key stakeholders were sceptical of the election taking place, insinuating that the incumbent was pushing for a favourable extension, and this means substantial period.  Now that the myth of extension is dispelled and the parliamentary elections kicked off across the Federal States, it appears that the topic has shifted into election mismanagement.