HomeOpinion (Page 47)



By Carlos Lopes 

Cameroon has the resources for its industrialization and agricultural transformation. The economy’s current annual growth of 4.9% does not reflect the full potential that lies in the transformation of the riches of the country. The economy is relatively diversified with the exploitation of vast agricultural resources, forestry, mining and energy. Exports have been dominated by oil, cocoa, wood, rubber and cotton. This diversification in resources lends itself to economic transformation through industrialization.

Mesenbet Assefa

I was provoked to contribute to the debate on the right to freedom of expression when I read your Editorial about the significance of freedom of expression in serving as a market place of ideas in a democratic society. Given the topical significance of the subject, I thought it would be interesting to highlight some of the foundational principles and raison d’être which try to respond to the question why do we protect freedom of expression in a democratic society. While the theory of the market place of ideas and the search for truth are some of the most important justifications for the protection of freedom of expression; I would even argue and take the argument further stating that freedom of expression defines the rise and fall of nations.

Bernard Haykel and Cole Bunzel

By Bernard Haykel and Cole Bunzel

PRINCETON – The recent declaration of a caliphate by the militant group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is an unprecedented event in modern times. Regardless of how it turns out, one thing is clear: violent jihadism is now an entrenched feature of the Arab political landscape.

Not since the Turkish Republic abolished the Ottoman caliphate in 1924 has any Muslim group in control of territory made such a bid. Even Al Qaeda and the Taliban have limited their demands to the creation of statelets (emirates), which they hope will eventually coalesce into a caliphate.