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Ororo/Bokkuu, a stick that symbolizes power in the Gada system (Photo: Amensisa Ifa/Facebook) By Mirgissa Kaba @MirgissaK & Girma Gutema @Abbaacabsa Introduction Yonas Biru (PhD) is a retired economist who once worked for The World Bank (TWB) and still affiliates himself with the TWB (save “the former” tag

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed with general Abdelfattah al-Burhan in Khartoum during an official working visit in August 2020 (Photo: PM Office Ethiopia/Facebook) Addis Abeba - The US State Department said Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who met with the US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Molly Phee

Logos: Tigray regional state interim administration and TPLF Addis Abeba - Tigray's Interim Regional Administration (IRA), and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) rejected a decision last week by National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) declining to reinstate TPLF's registration as a political party. The IRA