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Demonstration in Shire (Photo: Tigray Television/Facebook) By Mihret G Kristos @MercyG_kirstos Addis Abeba - Hundreds of thousands of IDPs in the Tigray region have staged massive protests in major cities of the region, calling on NGOs and the government to facilitate resumption of suspended humanitarian aid and

WFP food aid distribution in Tigray (Photo: WFP Ethiopia/twitter) Addis Abeba - The Tigray region Interim Administration (IA) has announced the establishment of a committee to conduct investigation into the aid theft that led to international aid agencies suspend their operation in the region. "In light of

A girl receives oral cholera vaccine during a campaign led by IVI and partners in Shashemene, Ethiopia. Picture Credit: International Vaccine Institute/May 2022 Addis Abeba - Measles outbreak kills 18 in 149 Kebeles in the Oromia region with documented 1,274 cases, the figure showing a fatality rate