EU parliamentary delegation meet Foreign Minister Dr Tedros

Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister Dr Tedros Adhanom met with with an EU parliamentary delegation led by Mr. Arnaud Danjean, Member of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Security and Defense on Wednesday March 26, the ministry said.

Briefing the delegation on a wide range of regional issues, Dr. Tedros said he appreciated the EU’s commitment to help the region especially in handling the crisis in South Sudan. He said Ethiopia continued to urge the two parties in South Sudan to observe the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement and resolve their political problems through round table dialogue. He noted that much needed to be done over the humanitarian situation and called upon EU countries to provide further support in this regard. Concerning Somalia, Dr Tedros said that he believed that lasting peace could be achieved in Somalia by narrowing down the political differences between the regions. He noted that military operations under the auspices of AMISOM are being successful and he underlined the importance of establishing administrative bodies in liberated areas and the need to provide provision of services and humanitarian assistance to the people. He urged EU to continue assisting the Somali Federal government. Dr. Tedros, who explained to the delegation that the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project was undertaken by Ethiopia in order to alleviate poverty, emphasized the Ethiopian government’s insistence on continuing talks with Egypt and finding a win-win solution to the issue of Nile.

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