News: Ayder Referral Hospital in Tigray calls for urgent life-saving diabetes health care supply

Picture: Drug Information Center at Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital-MU

By Mhret G/kristos @Mercy23187135

Addis Ababa: The largest hospital in the Tigray region, Ayder referral hospital, is calling for an urgent lifesaving diabetes health care supply.

In an open letter written to Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health and the Ethiopian Diabetes Association (EDA) the hospital says there are 26,768 diabetic patients In Tigray, of which 16,420 are Type One totally insulin-dependent, and 8,224 are children under the age of 14.

According to the hospital number of patients are increasing every day with no single vial of insulin available and 12 diabetic patients dying every week. 

“There are an increasing number of newly diagnosed patients and many arriving from all over the region with a DKA and related complications where we are in a position of not providing a single vial of insulin nor oral hypoglycemic medications, no dialysis service nor a supply to undergo corrective amputations for diabetic patients in need,” the letter reads.

“We trust MOH and EDA along with potential partners shall immediately respond to this catastrophic loss of innocent lives due to a lack of diabetic health supplies.”

Since the war broke out between the Ethiopian government and the Tigrayan forces in November 2020, international organizations have been voicing their concerns over access to humanitarian aid and ever-deteriorating health care services and supplies. AS

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