News: EzEMA issues scathing criticism on ruling party’s economic, security handling; says infighting may plunge country into crisis

Senior officials of EzEMA. Picture: EzEMA

By Addis Standard Staff

Addis Abeba – Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice (EzEMA), an opposition party whose leader is a cabinet member of the governing Prosperity Party (PP), issued a scathing criticism on the ruling party’s handling of, among others, the economy and security, as well as the risk of infighting between party officials, which EzEMA said could plunge the country into crisis, unless resolved timely.

EzEMA’s statement focused its criticism on five different areas where it said the governing party needed to work to bring about both short, medium and long term solutions. They are: the rising cost of living, urban land grabbing and housing crisis, lack of anticipation and prevention mechanisms to address security problems, religious tension and the prevalence of infighting between the ruling party officials.

the governing party should not only dismiss hundreds of government officials who were directly involved in land grabbing practices but also create a transparent public awareness to show that those officials are brought to justice


On the cost of living, EzEMA said the governing party should not only “intervene” to reduce the rising cost of living; but also refrain from acts “aggravating inflation.”

“Inflation, which is becoming increasingly difficult to control in our country, is putting citizens to the ultimate test,” the party said, adding although the source of the current inflation is both domestic international reasons; today’s global reality has exacerbated the situation.EzEMA recommended a list of actions the governing party should implement as short, medium and long terms solution. Among the short term solutions, it recommended restricting the import of non-essential luxury items and putting a ban of on foreign currency allowance for non-basic items. Providing all the necessary support for agricultural production to ensure not only food security but also food “food sovereignty” is party of the party’s recommendation as medium term solution. Similarly, EzEMA says changing the land policy and making preparation to increase the country’s foreign exchange earnings especially through the potential of its human resources as long term solution.

on urban land grabbing and housing crisis, EzEMa said the governing party should not only dismiss hundreds of government officials who were directly involved in land grabbing practices but also create a transparent public awareness to show that those officials are brought to justice. The government should also distance itself from giving signals that illegal land grabbing have chances of becoming legal in the future

Not only that, but they are also involved in land grabbing so that their guilt can be brought to justice In addition to publicizing action by educators against other offenders; Illegal land transactions
From the activities of those who are involved in this illegal activity, saying that they have a chance to become legal in the future and establish a system of accountability to hold those involved in illegal land transactions accountable.

On the deteriorating security crisis in the country, EzEMA said it believes the reasons include the weakening and negligence of the government’s security network in terms of early warning activities, and the level of involvement within governing party officials in conflicts. As a result, especially as of late “the lives of innocent people are being wasted, bodies being mutilated, and property being destroyed.” Although, the problem of lack of security is nationwide, EzEMA said the situation in Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s regional state (SNNPRS) was worth and mentioned recent crises in South Omo, Konso and Derashe zones as example.

The infighting has exposed the Prosperity Party, which “claims to be a national party”, for its true identity as “ethnic party”


On religious tensions, EzEMA said the ruling party should should immediately end its regular confrontations with religious institutions and instead dialogue with the religious leaders who have been given legal responsibilities in keeping with their religious dignity and in a manner that considers the positive attitudes of their congregations.

Finally, EzEMA’s fierce criticism came against the infighting within the ruling party which EzEMA said will plunge the country into crisis. The infighting has exposed the Prosperity Party, which “claims to be a national party”, for its true identity as “ethnic party”, EZEMA said, adding, instead of working together and coming up with solutions for multifaceted crises the country is facing, regional authorities are engaged in biting off each other “day and night” and at times engaging in conflicts, “becoming a threat to the country more than the rising cost of living.”

The party warned that instead of working on righting the wrongs in a manner that fit the Ethiopian people’s and political party’s tolerance, the government is watching silently when its officials are engaged in public controversy due to the clear administration weakness within the governing party, making us “fearful of the time ahead.”

“EzEMA believes that if this irresponsible path of divisiveness within the ruling party continues, it is indisputable fact that our suffering will increase. Therefore, anyone who is interested in the affairs of the country should work closely,” the statement concluded. AS

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