News: More than 800,000 people vulnerable in 8 drought-affected zones in Oromia; Over 4 million people in need of assistance due to conflict

By Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12

Addis Abeba, January 26/ 2022- The Oromia region disaster risk and development induced displacement and resettlement commission announced that over 800,000 people in 8 drought-affected zones in the region seek assistance. The commission also disclosed that over 4 million people in conflict-affected areas in the region are being provided with aid. 

The commissioner of the Oromia region disaster risk and development induced displacement and resettlement commission, Mustafe Kedir told the local news agency that 800,244 people are in need of assistance because of drought caused by rain shortage in eight zones of southeastern Oromia. The commission also stated that cattle are dying due to a lack of fodder. 

According to him, the drought may persist for three months. He warned that the situation is dire and beyond the government’s capacity. According to the commissioner, the government is working on preventing the death from hunger including cattle but it is struggling to provide fodder for over 6 million cattle.

The Commissioner stated that the government has taken various measures to address the problem. He said, “So far, 197,896 quintals of food was distributed to the drought-affected Borena zone alone,” further outlining the government’s efforts to provide water and cattle feed. 

The weather forecast indicated the three months duration of the drought, Muktar said, detailing directives set by the regional government to organize the 21 zonal and 18 city administrations to assist by producing cattle feed. He also noted that the regional government resettled most vulnerable animals to neighboring zones. 

Additional 4,976,981 people from conflict-affected areas who are in need of assistance are being provided with 1,587,694 quintals of grain and donated 51 million,755 thousand ETB  in cash, the commissioner said.  

The commissioner reiterated that the crisis can not be tackled by the government alone and called on business owners, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and aid agencies to play their part in producing and transporting fodder as well as providing assistance to those in need.AS

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