News: NaMA urges Amhara regional gov’t to conduct law enforcement operations in harmony with law

Addis Abeba – The National Movement of Amhara (NaMA) yesterday issued a statement discussing the current state of affairs within the country, particularly in the Amhara region. NaMA extended support for regional and nationwide efforts to enforce the law, however, laid concern over what it called errors in arrests during the law enforcement campaign declared by the government. 

The party said that it has been monitoring the government’s actions using its various structures. “There are several reasons for the region’s instability and insecurity, but one is the internal power struggle within the ruling party,” the statement read. 

The press release stated that the party was witnessing individuals with political differences vis-a-vis the ruling party being arrested, including leaders and members of NaMA itself. The statement however stressed that different individuals and groups were utilizing questions being raised over the  ‘law enforcement operation’ to sow chaos and cheap political gains. The party also named certain media houses as being in service of the TPLF.

The presser concluded by forwarding recommendations calling upon the Amhara regional state government to conduct the said law enforcement operation in a manner respectful of the law, stressing the region to cease indiscriminate arrests. 

Noting that NaMA officials and members have also been subject to arrests, the party urged the regional government to put a stop to such actions and insisted on the unconditional release of people jailed due to political differences. The statement also condemned individuals and groups, it accuses them of using the conditions to worsen the security situation and call for mass demonstrations.  

NaMA’s statement comes in the backdrop of reports of widespread detentions and unrest in the Amhara region since last week. Confrontations between security forces and armed groups after an announcement was made by the regional government to conduct law enforcement operations lead to clashes resulting in casualties and deaths. AS

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