News: Oromia Mejlis forms 13 member national committee to investigate recent killings, coordinate support and find lasting solution

Addis Abeba – A 13-member national committee has been formed under the coordination of the Oromia Regional State Majlis in response to the killing on the weekend of 18 June of several dozens of civilians in Tole Kebele, Gimbi woreda, West Wollega Zone of Oromia regional state.

The overwhelming number of the victims are Muslims from the minority Amhara community members in the area in what is globally condemned as the deadliest attacks against civilians.

According to the Oromia and Majlis, and Harun Media reports, the 13-member committee formed by the former is made up of elders, prominent Islamic teachers and scholars, including Ustaz Abubakar Ahmed and Ustaz Kamil Shemsu, as well as artists and respected members of the Ulama.

The committee is expected to coordinate with federal and regional governments focusing on three main tasks: to support and rehabilitate the surviving victims and to coordinate the support for those the IDP centers who are in need of urgent assistance; to investigate the deadly attack in detail and report the damages to the public and other stakeholders to ensure that victims received justice; and to work with relevant stakeholders to find a lasting solution to the recurring problems attacks targeting Muslims.

According to zonal authorities, at least 1,200 households (4,800 people) have been displaced to Diga woreda in East Wollega Zone”

“The committee was set up to work closely with the federal and state governments to address the root causes of the ongoing killings and attacks targeting Muslims in the Wollega zone,” according to Harun Media. The committee, which has called the Muslim community to stand by it, is expected to provide briefing to the public within the coming few days.

According to the latest UNOCHA humanitarian report released on 27 June, dozens of civilians have been reportedly killed in Tole kebele in Gimbi woreda, West Wollega Zone, Oromia Region, following fighting between armed groups and security forces. Partners have not yet been able to verify information regarding this incident or assess the situation and needs in the area due to restricted access. According to zonal authorities, at least 1,200 households (4,800 people) have been displaced to Diga woreda in East Wollega Zone.” AS

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