News: Southern State tells citizens to register private firearms within 5 days; Addis Abeba extends deadline

Senait Solomon, SNNPRS communication bureau chief. Picture: SNNPRS Communication bureau

By Mahlet Fasil

Addis Abeba, November 05/2021 – The Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s regional state has announced that citizens who posses firearms should start to register their firearms starting today in the next five consecutive days.

Senior leadership of SNNPRS met yesterday to deliberate on current security situation and have passed key decision on various issues, according to Senait Solomon, the region’s communication bureau chief. One of the issues discussed by the leadership was the effective management of the implementation of the state of emergency proclamation, which was approved by the parliament on November 04.

In addition, the leadership has also decided to suspend issuing new IDs or renew old IDs. In exceptional circumstances, however, it is possible to obtain an ID with the approval from the regional state state of emergency implementation command post.

Meanwhile Addis Abeba police announced last night that the deadline for residents to register private firearms was extended until November 06. This is the second extension of the deadline from the original two days deadline announced on November 02.

The City Police urged residents with private firearms to report in person to any of the eleven sub-city police departments and all city police stations and register using the extended deadline. It added that the deadline was extended due mainly to lack of information on how to register.

It is to be recalled that on November 02, the Addis Abeba City Administration has suspended issuing new resident IDs in any of the Woredas “for the sake of public safety”effective today. It said the decision was to prevent strangers & infiltrators attempting to enter the city from “various directions.” AS

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