News update: Federal police says UNOCHA report on police forces’ death exaggerated, not in line with what is on the ground

By Medihane Ekubamichael @Medihane 

Addis Abeba, February 05/2021 – The Federal Police said that a recent report released by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) on Afar-Issa land dispute which led to clashes in Afar and Somali regions neighboring woredas and death of 30 police officers injuries of 40 was “exaggerated and not in line with what is on the ground.”

The Federal Police Commission Communication Affairs Director, Jaylan Abdi told Addis Standard that the report contained exaggerated numbers and does not show the exact situation on the ground and that the Federal Police was conducting its own investigation on the situation and will issue a summary upon completion.

Jaylan said that a team led by Commissioner Melaku Fenta, head of the crim investigating department of the Federal police, has traveled to the scene of the alleged clash and witnessed the incident, and thereby Federal Police has learned that the Situation Overview released by the UNOCHA was “contradictory to the facts on the ground.”

The Federal Police expressed its displeasure at the report and said that a preliminary report by the police indicates that no other body had gone to the alleged scene to investigate the situation. Jaylan said the Federal police will seek clarification on the report from the UN office. AS

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