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More than 800,000 people need food assistance while over 3.3 million livestock have perished (Picture: Borana Zone Communication) Addis Abeba - The Oromia Physicians’ Association (OPA ), a non-governmental professional association, said the prolonged drought in Borana zone of Oromia regional state in Southwestern Ethiopia has

The drought, described by the EU as "the worst drought in a generation" has already devoured more than 3 million livestock heads in Borana zone, southern Oromia. Photo: © European Union, 2022 (photographer: Silvya Bolliger) Addis Abeba - The Oromia Regional State said that it is

More than 800 people in need of emergency food assistance in Borana zone - officials, Photo: UNICEF Addis Abeba - Education office of the drought hit Borana zone of Oromia region in southern Ethiopia said more than 7,800 students have been forced out of school as