News Analysis

Domestic debt witnessed a significant increase of 14% since June 2022, soaring to an astonishing 1.7 trillion birr by the end of March 2023 (Photo: Addis Abeba – Despite the government's efforts to curtail borrowing, Ethiopia's public debt is experiencing a rapid increase and shows no signs

Debre Damo, a historic monastery has allegedly been looted, and bombed during the conflict in Tigray (Photo: By Mihret G/kristos @MercyG_kirstos Addis Abeba – The Tigray war, which later spilled over to the neighboring Amhara and Afar regions, has resulted in the loss of countless lives, the destruction of historical

Classes were originally set to begin in mid-April by the Educational Bureau of Tigray, but due to the terrible war's effects, the plan didn't go into force until three months ago (Photo: Kindeya G/Hiwot) By Mihret G Kristos @MercyG_kirstos Addis Abeba – Two years ago, Abrha Weldetsadik, a 20-year-old boy